Issue 5: Masthead

Zebulon Huset is a writer, photographer and teacher living in San Diego. He received his MFA from the University of Washington, he won the Gulf Stream 2020 Summer Poetry Contest and his writing has appeared (or is forthcoming) in Best New Poets, The Southern Review, Fence, Atlanta Review, Texas Review, Rosebud, Gone Lawn and Meridian among many others. He writes about writing and posts writing prompts at Notebooking Daily, edits the ‘prompt themed’ monthly journal Sparked and is also known as The Submission Wizard.

Assistant Editor
George Kowalik is a PhD candidate in the English department at King’s College London, working on contemporary Anglo-American fiction and specifically the distinction between ‘postmodernism’ and ‘post-postmodernism.’ He is also a freelance arts writer and published short fiction writer. His recent publications include The First Line, Lotus-eater, Luma Quarterly, Off Screen, and Sweet Tree Review. He was also shortlisted for Ouen Press’ 2019 Short Story Competition; his work appears in their print collection ‘Zawadi & Other Short Stories’ (2020, ed. P. Comley).

Assistant Editor
Carson Pytell is a writer living outside Albany, NY whose work has appeared widely online and in print, including in Ethel Zine, Perceptions Magazine, Rabid Oak, Backchannels and White Wall Review, among others. He participated in the Tupelo Press 30/30 Project in December 2020 and his first two chapbooks, First-Year (Alien Buddha Press, 2020) and Trail (Guerrilla Genesis Press, 2020), are now available. His third, The Gold That Stays (Cyberwit Publishing, 2021), is forthcoming.

Senior Editorial Staff
Nolan Hutton is a special Education teacher in San Marcos CA. He lives gratefully with his wife, son and daughter in Escondido. He studied creative writing and literature at San Francisco State University. His prose and poetry can be found in The Acorn Review, Monkeybicycle, deLuge Journal and Whiskey Island.

Utility All-Star
Jessica Tyson received her MFA from the University of Washington. Her poetry has been published in or is forthcoming from Redivider, RipRap, Apeiron Review, Crab Creek Review and The Acorn Review.

Fiction Reader
Francois Bereaud is a husband, dad, community college math professor, tutor and mentor in the San Diego Congolese refugee community, and mediocre hockey player. You can find his recently published work online at Sundial Magazine, The Write Launch, the Dillydoun Review, and in print in Blood & Bourbon. He has written a novel and two short story collections which he dreams of publishing and seeing in the window of his beloved neighborhood bookstore, The Book Catapult.

Poetry Reader
Anna Abraham Gasaway is neurodivergent and grew up with three siblings and a other who had bipolar disorder. She has been published in the San Diego Reader, Mesa College Review, The San Diego Poetry Annual and others. Working with So Say We All to create visual and spoken word performances, she was also featured poet at both Through a Soft Tube Poetry and Jewish Poets-Jewish Voices series. She is going into her final year of her MFA in Creative Writing with an emphasis on Poetry at San Diego State University. She lives with her husband, son and boxer-mastiff in San Diego, CA.

Poetry Reader
Callie S. Blackstone‘s work appears or is forthcoming in Plainsongs, Lily Poetry Review, Rust+Moth, Prime Number Magazine, West Trestle Review, and others. Callie is a lifelong New Englander. She is lucky enough to wake up to the smell of saltwater and the call of seagulls everyday. You can find her online home at

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to hear about our new issues and submission calls including contests and “Micro-Windows” which will only be open for one day or weekend. One piece from this issue came from a micro-window, in fact.

Table of Contents