Issue 6: “all over again” by Savannah Williams


all over again

what does the river see
i’m waiting for your light to fill me

i’ll let it roll through
rending atoms apart
changing down quarks up

i can feel the tides
the moon pulling me this way and that
an oscillating top
heavy and tilting
veering down the path you’ve set

i’ll slam into the trees
startle birds from their perch
distract squirrels from their business

i’ll rest at the roots
down in the damp
with the mycelium and the minerals

you’ll find me there
coming apart
giving into decay
becoming undone
becoming all over again


Savannah Williams

Savannah Williams’s work has appeared in LandLocked Magazine and the international anthology Deliver Me. She lives in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains with her husband and two cats.

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