Spring Annual 2022: “BOOB JOB” by Cristina Legarda



My husband won’t let me fix my boobs.
As you can imagine, this caused a fight
about autonomy and agency and body image,
and whether boob jobs empower or disempower,
the disingenuousness of saying “you do you”
if he could take it back when I said,
“my body, my choice.”

“I don’t think you’re being fair,” he said.
After all, he would have said “you do you”
for a piercing, a hair color change, a tattoo.
But I would’ve appreciated some understanding
about the waistward progress of my girls
after nursing two kids and gaining fifty pounds,
and a quarter century of marriage
juggling home and career.

I began to daydream about my new boobs,
how Salma Hayek-y they would be,
so perky they would enter the room before I did,
an entourage but all in front,
Hello! Hello, everyone! They would say
and everyone’s eyes would say hell-ooooo,
and I wouldn’t be the saggy old bag any more.

By the time I went online to browse surgeons’ names
I was picking Oscar gowns and high-heeled shoes,
and though I’m not in the film industry
“I would like to thank the Academy”
was bubbling out of my giggly lips.

But then I looked up and saw his face,
the pinkish tinge around the rims of his eyes,
the unbelievable love written there
in every crease.
“If something bad were to happen
and I would’ve loved you anyway
without the surgery,
and you’re beautiful as you are,
it’ll be too sad,” he said,
the grammar of his words a minefield,
the tenor of them a meadow of gold.
And so I took his hand
and we went upstairs to sleep.


Cristina Legarda

Cristina Legarda was born in the Philippines and spent her early childhood there before moving to Bethesda, Maryland. She is now a practicing physician in Boston. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in America magazine, The Dewdrop, Plainsongs, FOLIO, Lucky Jefferson, HeartWood, Coastal Shelf, The Good Life Review, and others.

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