Spring Annual 2022: “On Virginity” by Madison Frazier


On Virginity

You are on a couch, it’s brown, maybe black, you don’t know for sure, the room is dark and swallows you up. He says, you’re a tease, you know? and kisses your neck. You try to say Stop, I’m too high for this but there is a disconnect from your brain to your mouth. He’s from The Church, leads worship on Sundays, volunteers with the children’s ministries. He is a respectable man, understands that you can not drive in your condition. So after, he carries you to your car and puts you in the back seat. Drives you two miles to a strip mall, puts the keys in your pocket, and leaves you there.


Madison Frazier
(additional pieces by Madison Frazier in this issue)
The Lies You Tell Yourself
Us Girls and Our Bodies

Madison writes poetry and creative nonfiction. Her work explores religion, sexuality, and the body. Her work appears in or is forthcoming in Barrelhouse, The Offing, HAD,  and elsewhere. She can be found on twitter @madisonkfrazier

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